Planning and Scanning
Planning and analyzing for your community or organization's future
with shared perspective and insight.
Environmental Scanning
We are skilled at leading collaborative environmental scanning assessment processes that capture the wisdom and perspectives on trends, data, and the organization’s past or future.
Focus Groups
We design and lead engaging focus groups to help glean stakeholder perspectives.
Action & Implementation Planning
We facilitate groups to define and plan for actions and accomplishments over a period of time. These processes are very helpful for planning big community or organizational events, in-house projects, or to complete strategic planning. Everyone participates and takes a role to make it successful. The Result: Participants are inspired and commit to actions for success.
Planning & Facilitation for Innovation, Impact and Change
Starting from the client or problem perspective, we design meetings to help you discover innovative strategies, products, theory of change, and platforms to serve your clients better.
Examples of Our Work
Key Challenges
An organization was looking to review a number of key challenges related to their main fundraiser and other key funding issues. They brought the board and the staff together, who had not worked together before, and over a number of sessions reviewed the history of the issues, current data, and the best practices and strategies similar national organizations employed. The results included board and staff developing better understanding of each other’s roles, a change in strategy for the fundraiser which was then implemented.
Reviewing Data
The MontCo Peer Learning Circle group realized they needed yet had limited data about their clients and regional services. As a result, a key funder sponsored a large client survey, and a group of local emergency food providers sponsored a second survey. We brought them together to review the data, its implications, and make recommendations.